Tuesday, 29 March 2011

How I did the graphics.

A few people asked me how I did the graphics in my last video.

It's actually quite simple, First I took a screenshot from my tilemap from the running game and pasted it to photoshop. It looked like this:
When I had this in photoshop I just drew my graphics on top of this. I used only 4 colours so it didn't take that long. I mostly did it just for the test, how it would look like instead of just repeating tile patterns. When I finished it was like this:
I was quite happy with it, but I still thought I could add one more layer below, so I drew separate layer with the stuff that goes below:
then I simply rendered these pictures over or below my charater in the game and that's it :-) simple and it does look like something I'm after.. It will need some fine tuning and adding more details later but for now I'm quite happy with the outcome.


  1. really impressed with the graphics work actually, looks really nice texture

  2. that looks really good, especially for a first draft!

  3. Thanks for teaching it... looks impressive!

  4. Holy.. I love these graphics man! That's a really darn good job you did there!

  5. Very awesome, interested in getting into coding

  6. Obviously you know what you are doing! Sweet!

  7. a friend of mine once started a remake of Super mario Land (gameboy) .. but gave up half way.

  8. wow that's fantastic really unusual +followed

  9. good to get to look at this step of you programing your game.

  10. Nice drawings. i like it :)

  11. That makes me really wish I knew how to do all that kind of stuff.

  12. i used http://www.mapeditor.org/ to make my tilesets maybe you wanna check it out

  13. How long does it take to make a litle game? are their like programs that you can just drag and drop ?

  14. i was wondering how you did that

  15. I'm really enjoying watching this develop! Keep up the good work!

  16. That is an awesome solution. I'm looking forward to seeing more!

  17. @mac-and-me that tile editor looks interesting, I was thinking about doing my own but I still don't have any support for reading my maps from files, all my maps are currently hardcoded as 2d arrays

  18. Wow this is really cool, great job!

  19. really good. must take a lot of talent and patience for this. As for my blog and the picture, I've had that saved for quite some time. I take a look around as to where I found it and get back to you if i do find it :)

  20. This is just absolutely amazing. About how long did it take you to do this?

  21. it looks like painting in 'paint' but the finall effect is great. Look post below. You are doing great job my friend, keep it going, it's helpfull.

  22. Iv always dream't about creating my own game, im so jelly!

  23. wow cool nice

  24. awesome :) I always think about learning to make a game, but I never had the patience for it!

  25. very cool stuff man. this makes me want to attempt doing the same actually

  26. Damn! It's really coming together :) NICE

  27. pretty impressive and an easy way to set up a nice looking game!

  28. Thats soo cool :D good work on the game :)

  29. just to answer some of your question:

    it took about one evening + the next day I finised it + adding some minor changes later

    stay away from paint! that's evil lol
    but yes I tried to get quite simple retro look.

    as for drag and drop programs to create games I think there is something like game maker but I've never tried it myself.

  30. Pretty impressive. Also, Cave Story for the win!

  31. That's quite ingenious!
    I tried the game (which you all just lost) and I didn't get what to do with the creatures :P

  32. Impressive stuff buddy, keep it up

  33. @Patres haha didn't really think that somebody will actually download it and try xD but you can either let them be and ignore them as they don't harm you or you can kill them all if you wish :D up to you.. but there is not much content in that build anyway... I was just testing stuff.

    Lot of stuff that I would like to add but the question is if I will be able to implement it as I have problems with everything :)

    anyway thanks for giving this a try <3

  34. You are incredible. Seriously. I tip my hat to you and I can't wait for the day your game goes live. I will pay you good money for it.

  35. "I just drew"... How do you just draw something like that? God, I have to struggle to even draw a stick figure lol

  36. Wow these mess with my head, make my eyes go all weird nice though :)
