Saturday, 9 April 2011

Learning classes

Not much of an visible update, I was learning classes recently and it was quite overwhelming at first and now I'm trying to rewrite the code using them as I had none in my program, heh and quickly understood that I'm not going anywhere without them. Especially when I tried to do more inteligent enemies than the current placeholders that I have in my code.
If anybody knows any good links/video/tutorials on classes I think I could still use more :) but I'm slowly getting into it... it's just not a simple subject to understand after a week of learning, it's more complex and it needs some time to practice.


  1. Practice young one and you will get it =)

  2. Just experiment with it!
    Open up a separate script with your game in it.. see how it behaves.. you will spend days trying to get one thing to work, an then it will.. but it will turn out you don't want it anymore..
    But after all that you will have learnt atleast something, it is the best way!
    Just muck about!

  3. Keep at it, you'll get there in the end.

  4. Yeah, I echo the comment about hanging in there. The hard work will pay off.

  5. Youl get good. Im already confused thoguh.

  6. Heh, when can we expect a sample of your work?

  7. Inteligent enemies? Good. A smart AI is always a good thing.

  8. Keep at it man, intelligent enemies is what makes a game fun. No one likes goombas. :P

  9. Maybe you should make some levels of difficulty?

  10. I think you just need to look at more sample code. that always helps me.

  11. start with a little, experiment... and you gonna get at it
